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12月25日学术报告 Automated GNSS and Teleseismic Earthquake Inversion (AutoQuake Inversion) for Tsunami Early Warning: Retrospective and Real-Time Results


主讲人: 陈克杰 助理教授(副研究员) 南方科技大学
时  间:  2019年 12月25日 上午10:00
地  点:卫星导航定位技术研究中心13楼会议室

简  介:
    陈克杰博士现任南方科技大学地球与空间科学系助理教授(副研究员),独立PI,博士生导师。他于2016德国波茨坦地学研究中心(GFZ)/波茨坦大学地球物理学博士学位。2016年5月到2018年5月他在美国宇航局喷气动力实验室从事博士后研究,2018年5月到2019年9月在加州理工学院地震实验室做研究科学家。陈克杰博士的主要研究方向是精密GNSS数据处理,海啸、地震、火山等自然灾害致灾机理/预警等。对GNSS与强震仪数据融合、多源数据联合反演大地震破裂过程、海啸/地震预警系统的建立有较深理解。作为主要参与者,在喷气动力实验室建立了一套实时运行的海啸预警系统。他已以第一作者在Nature Communications, Geophysical Research Letters等顶级地学期刊发表学术论文11篇,也是Earth and Planetary Science Letters、Geophysical Research Letters、Journal of Geophysical Research 等10余个SCI杂志的审稿人。

    Rapid finite fault source determination is critical for reliable and robust tsunami early warnings. Near-field Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) observations have shown value to constrain the source inversion, but real-time GNSS stations are sparse along most of the active faults. Here we propose an automatic earthquake finite source inversion (AutoQuake Inversion) algorithm jointly using near-field GNSS data and mid-range teleseismic P displacement waveforms. Real-time determination of the fault geometry remains to be the main challenge for rapid finite source inversion. We adopt a strategy to use the pre- defined geometry Slab2 for earthquakes within it or to forecast a focal mechanism based on near-by historical events for earthquakes without Slab2 prior. The algorithm has been implemented successfully in the prototype of JPL’s GPS-Aided Tsunami Early- Detection system and tested for many real events recently. This talk provides the framework of the algorithm, documents the retrospective and real-time results, and discusses remaining challenges for future improvements.