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一、 个人简介


主要研究方向为北斗/GNSS高精度数据处理与气象应用。2019年入选第五届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”。近五年主持了国家自然科学基金(面上、青年)、国家重点研发计划子课题、中国博士后基金(特别资助)等项目10余项;以第一/通讯作者在J. Geodesy、J. Climate、JGR等期刊发表高水平SCI论文20余篇;获中卫协科技进步特等奖、测绘科技进步奖二等奖、全球华人GPS年会最佳论文特等奖、中位协“优秀青年人才”等奖励。

二、 教育与工作经历


o 2012.09-2016.12:武汉大学测绘学院,博士

o 2014.10-2016.09:美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校,博士联合培养

o 2010.09-2012.06:武汉大学测绘学院,硕士

o 2006.09-2010.06:武汉大学测绘学院,本科


o 2021.08至今:武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心,副教授

o 2019.05-2021.07:武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心,特聘副研究员

o 2017.05-2019.04:武汉大学卫星导航定位技术研究中心,博士后

三、 主要科研项目

[1] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:去投影函数的地基GNSS大气水汽三维信息一步反演方法及应用研究(42174027)(2022~2025,负责人)

[2] 国家外专项目:高分辨率GNSS水汽探测技术及其在气候气象研究中的创新应用(2022~2023,负责人)

[3] 国家重点研发计划项目:复杂山区地质灾害监测预警北斗集成系统研发(2021YFC3000500)(2021~2024,子课题负责人)

[4] 武汉市科技局曙光计划项目:全球逐小时高精度对流层参数模型构建及应用(2022010801020129)(2022~2024,负责人)

[5] 国家自然科学基金青年项目:中国地区GNSS/无线电探空均一化水汽产品构建及水汽多时间尺度变化研究(41804023)(2019~2021,负责人)

[6] 中国博士后科学基金特别资助:联合GNSS/NWP的广域三维对流层产品快速反演及应用(2018T110801)(2018~2019,负责人)

[7] 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:基于GNSS多系统观测数据的水汽快速层析及气象应用(2017M622518)(2017~2019,负责人)

[8] 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目:基于北斗与多技术融合的中国-中南半岛水汽变化特性及极端降水监测预报研究(41961144015)(2020~2022,参与)

[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目:基于地基GNSS的中国区域准实时、高时空分辨率水汽模型构建与应用(41774036)(2018~2021,参与)



四、 论文与专利


[1] Zhenyi Zhang, Yidong Lou, Weixing Zhang*, Hua Wang, Yaozong Zhou, Jingna Bai, 2022. Assessment of ERA-Interim and ERA5 reanalysis data on atmospheric corrections for InSAR. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 111 (74-77): 102822.

[2] Linghao Zhou, Lei Fan*, Weixing Zhang, Chuang Shi, 2022. Long-term Correlation Analysis between Monthly Precipitable Water Vapor and Precipitation using GPS data over China. Advances in Space Research. 70: 56-69.

[3] Weixing Zhang, Yidong Lou*, Weiwei Song, Weibin Sun, Xu Zou, Xiaopeng Gong, 2022: Initial assessment of BDS-3 precise point positioning service on GEO B2b signal. Advances in Space Research, 69(1).

[4] Manhong Tu, Weixing Zhang*, Jingna Bai, Di Wu, Hong Liang, Yidong Lou, 2021: Spatio-temporal variations of precipitable water vapor and horizontal tropospheric gradients from GPS during typhoon Lekima. Remote Sensing, 13, 4082.

[5] Zhenyi Zhang, Yidong Lou, Weixing Zhang*, Hua Wang, Yaozong Zhou, Jingna Bai, 2021: On the Assessment GPS-Based WRFDA for InSAR Atmospheric Correction: A Case Study in Pearl River Delta Region of China. Remote Sensing. 13, 3280.

[6] Yaozong Zhou, Yidong Lou*, Weixing Zhang*, Jingna Bai, Zhenyi Zhang, 2021: An improved tropospheric mapping function modeling method for space geodetic techniques. Journal of Geodesy. 95:98.

[7] Jingna Bai, Yidong Lou*, Weixing Zhang*, Yaozong Zhou, Zhenyi Zhang, Chuang Shi, 2021: Assessment and calibration of MODIS precipitable water vapor products based on GPS network over China. Atmospheric Research. 254: 105504.

[8] Yaozong Zhou, Yidong Lou*, Weixing Zhang*, Cuilin Kuang, Wenxun Liu, Jingna Bai, 2020: Improved Performance of ERA5 in Global Tropospheric Delay Retrieval. Journal of Geodesy. 94:103.

[9] Weixing Zhang, Yidong Lou*, Wenxuan Liu, Jinfang Huang, Zhipeng Wang, Yaozong Zhou, Haoshan Zhang, 2020: Rapid troposphere tomography using adaptive simultaneous iterative reconstruction technique. Journal of Geodesy. 94:76.

[10]Liu Cheng, Gao Weiguang, Liu Tianxiong, Wang Dun, Yao Zheng, Gao Yang, Nie Xin, Wang Wei, Li Dongjun, Zhang Weixing, Wang Dongxia, Rao Yongnan, 2020: Design and implementation of a BDS precise point positioning service. NAVIGATION. 67:875–891.

[11]Weixing Zhang, Haoshan Zhang, Hong Liang*, Yidong Lou, Yi Cai, Yunchang Cao, Yaozong Zhou, Wenxuan Liu, 2019: On the suitability of ERA5 in hourly GPS precipitable water vapor retrieval over China. Journal of Geodesy. 93, 1897-1909.

[12]Wenxuan Liu, Yidong Lou, Weixing Zhang*, Jinfang Huang, Yaozong Zhou, Haoshan Zhang, 2019: On the Study of Influences of Different Factors on the Rapid Tropospheric Tomography. Remote Sensing. 11, 1545.

[13]Weixing Zhang, Yidong Lou*, Yunchang Cao, Hong Liang, Chuang Shi, Jinfang Huang, Wenxuan Liu, Yong Zhang, Binbin Fan, 2019: Corrections of Radiosonde-based Precipitable Water Using Ground-based GPS and Applications on Historical Radiosonde Data over China. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres. 124(6),3208-3222.

[14]Weixing Zhang, Yidong Lou*, Jinfang Huang, Wenxuan Liu, 2018: A refined regional empirical pressure and temperature model over China. Advances in Space Research, 62, 1065-1074.

[15]Weixing Zhang, Yidong Lou*, Jinfang Huang, Fu Zheng, Yunchang Cao, Hong Liang, Chuang Shi, Jingnan Liu, 2018: Multi-scale Variations of Precipitable Water over China based on 1999-2015 Ground-based GPS Observations and Evaluations of Reanalysis products. Journal of Climate, 31, 945-962.

[16]Yidong Lou, Jinfang Huang, Weixing Zhang*, Hong Liang, Fu Zheng, Jingnan Liu, 2017: A new zenith tropospheric delay grid product for real-time PPP applications over China. Sensors, 18, 65.

[17]Weixing Zhang, Yidong Lou, Jennifer S. Haase, Rui Zhang, Gang Zheng, Jingfang Huang, Chuang Shi*, Jingnan Liu, 2017: The Use of Ground-based GPS Precipitable Water Measurements over China to Assess Radiosonde and ERA-Interim Moisture Trends and Errors from 1999-2015. Journal of Climate, 30, 7643-7667.

[18]Gang Zheng, Hua Wang*, Tim J. Wright, Yidong Lou*, Rui Zhang*, Weixing Zhang, Chuang Shi, Jinfang Huang, Na Wei, 2017: Crustal Deformation in the India-Eurasia Collision Zone From 25 Years of GPS Measurements. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122.

[19]Chuang Shi, Fu Zheng, Yidong Lou*, Shengfeng Gu, Weixing Zhang, Xiaolei Dai, Xianjie Li, Hailin Guo, Xiaopeng Gong, 2017: National BDS Augmentation Service System (NBASS) of China: Progress and Assessment. Remote Sensing, 9, 837.

[20]Weixing Zhang*, Jennifer S. Haase, Albert Hertzog, Yidong Lou, Robert Vincent, 2016: Improvement of stratospheric balloon GPS positioning and the impact on gravity wave parameter estimation for the Concordiasi campaign in Antarctica. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres, 121:9977-9997.

[21]Weixing Zhang, Yidong Lou*, Shengfeng Gu, Chuang Shi, Jennifer S. Haase, Jingnan Liu, 2016: Joint estimation of GPS/BDS real-time clocks and initial results. GPS Solutions, 20:665-676.

[22]Yidong Lou, Weixing Zhang, Chuang Shi*, Jingnan Liu, 2014: High-rate (1-Hz and 50-Hz) GPS seismology: Application to the 2013 Mw 6.6 Lushan earthquake. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 79:426–431.

[23]Yidong Lou, Weixing Zhang*, Charles Wang, Xiuguang Yao, Chuang Shi, Jingnan Liu, 2014: The impact of orbital errors on the estimation of satellite clock errors and PPP. Advances in Space Research, 54:1571-1580.


[25]周要宗,楼益栋*,张卫星,白景娜,张镇驿,2022. 新一代实时对流层映射函数精度及PPP性能评估. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 46(12): 1881-1888.

[26]周要宗,楼益栋,张卫星*,梁宏,施闯,吴迪,曹云昌,2022. 基于CRA40产品的对流层延迟计算及对比分析. 测绘学报. (in press)

[27]刘梦杰,张卫星,张镇驿,楼益栋,梁宏,曹云昌. 2021:CRA40在中国地区GNSS水汽反演中的适用性评估与分析. 南京信息工程大学学报. 13(2): 138-144.

[28]施闯,张卫星*,曹云昌,楼益栋,梁宏,范磊,C Satirapod,C Trakolkul. 2020: 基于北斗/GNSS的中国-中南半岛地区大气水汽气候特征及同降水的相关分析. 测绘学报. 49(9): 1112-1119.

[29]张卫星,刘万科,龚晓颖,王甫红, 2013: 导航卫星自主定轨中光压模型精化方法及其影响研究. 武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 38(6):700-704.

[30]李征航,张卫星,龚晓颖,屈小川, 2011: 导航卫星自主定轨时轨道机动问题的处理方法.武汉大学学报(信息科学版), 36(11):1309-1313.

[31]张卫星,刘万科,龚晓颖, 2011: EOP预报误差对自主定轨结果影响分析.大地测量与地球动力学, 31(5):106-110.


[1] 北斗/GNSS水汽实时反演装置(ZL202023178838.X)

[2] 基于多源数据的大气可降水含量反演软件(2020SR1707280)

[3] 广域对流层三维层析软件(2020SR1707281)

[4] 广域北斗/GNSS对流层延迟快速处理软件(2020SR1707282)

五、 荣誉与奖励

[1] 第五届中国科协“青年人才托举工程”(2019)

[2] 中国卫星导航定位协会科技进步奖特等奖(2022,排3)

[3] 测绘科技进步奖二等奖(2021,排6)

[4] 中国卫星导航定位协会2020年度优秀论文奖(2020)

[5] 2019 CPGPS最佳论文特等奖(2019)

[6] 中国卫星导航定位协会“优秀青年人才”(2018)

六、 联系方式


